Johan Schakenraad and Stefan Pfützer new on the Board
Aachen, October 28, 2024 – At the General Meeting in Leinfelden-Echterdingen near Stuttgart, the members of the BACnet Interest Group Europe (BIG-EU) elected a new management team. Johan Schakenraad (Johnson Controls/Secretary) and Stefan Pfützer (Honeywell/Treasurer) are the new members of the Executive Board. Thomas Kurowski (Siemens) was confirmed as President by the members present.
In addition to Thomas Kurowski, Tobias Plath (MBS) was also re-elected to the Board. Thomas Kurowski thanked the outgoing members Konstantinos Kafandaris (Honeywell) and Nils-Gunnar Fritz (MBS) for their excellent work on the Board.
Tobias Plath continues to head the BIG-EU Working Group Marketing, while Salvatore Cataldi from Belimo heads the Working Group Technique. The following members also belong to the BIG-EU Advisory Board: Patrick Lützel (TÜV Süd), Kai Rohrbacher (Siemens), Peter Reichert (Johnson Controls), Frank Blumensatt (Tridium for Honeywell), Martin Linden (Metz Connect), Alexandra Henczka (MBS), Nils-Gunnar Fritz (MBS), Michael Malderle (Honeywell), Jürgen Keller (GEZE), Dan Napar (BACnet France) and Roland Grelle (Planungsgruppe M+M).
The next dates for the BIG-EU have also been scheduled: in mid-May 2025, the association members will meet in Lisbon for the Spring Meeting and the subsequent Plugfest.

Source: © BIG-EU

Source: © BIG-EU