FDS/BACnet Working Group Founded

End of 2020 the BACnet Interest Group Europe and the Facility Data Standard (FDS) started a joint working group.

The main objective is the evaluation of opportunities to exchange data between building automation and facility services to establish a common data-interface. In the first two meetings, the global importance of this goal was identified and existing specifications like ASHRAE 223p (designation and classification of semantic tags for building data) have been discussed and reviewed.

“Connecting building automation and facility services offers new potential savings – economically as well as ecologically,” characterizes Johannes Bepler from the Hailo Digital Hub the benefits of this data-exchange. He adds: “If e. g. the meeting information can be taken from a calendar, the expected waste volume can be forecast based upon the number of people attending and from empirical values. This allows for a cleaning on demand to empty the waste bins only if necessary or to provide other cleaning services when required.”

Currently the working group meets approx. every two months in a video-conference.
Interested persons are more than welcome to join!

FDS-Website: www.facilitydatastandard.org
